Pre-conference tours


Pre-conference tours are offered on the Saturday and Sunday preceding the conference. Please note all tours have a limited capacity and will be sold on a ‘first come first served’ -bases. All tour sales are final sales.  ARCH24 reserves the right to change tour details and contents in case of circumstances that are beyond our control. 

Day 1 PAIMIO SANATORIUM (Saturday June 15) full day tour 10:30 – 17:30, includes lunch – tour cost: €105 

Come visit one of the most iconic buildings of Aino and Alvar Aalto – the Paimio Sanatorium, from 1932. We have created a very special experience of this for ARCH24 delegates with the fabulous Panu Savolainen, professor of architectural history, who will lead our day. The price includes bus transport, lunch and a guided tour at the facility. There will also be time to experience the building and take photos. Capacity: 50 participants.

Day 2 (Sunday June 16)

MORNING TOUR: Starts at 10:30 am – tour cost: € 55

Tour A: Helsinki hospitals – Siltasairaala – the biggest and newest hospital in Helsinki. Capacity: 32 persons, tour details TBD. Kindly know we are working on the detais. Delegates are able to take a morning tour and one of the afternoon tours.

AFTERNOON TOURS  – tours start at 14:00 hrs (choose one) – tour cost: €55 

Tour B: Helsinki hospitals – New Children’s Hospital – tour includes a presentation of the award-winning sound design of the hospital by Antti Ikonen and a tour of the spaces led by a representative of the health authority. Tour capacity: max 32 persons, presentations are given to two groups of 8 guests at a time. (Kindly accept that there may be some waiting involved – alternately, we may do two starts – one at 14:00 and one at 15:00).

Tour C: Living facilities for older adults, tours start at 13:30 hrs 

Visit in a group home for people with memory decline. The small-scale group home (for 30 residents) Wilhelmiina Tenhola is newly built, opened in 2023, run by the Miina Sillanpää Foundation, a non-profit organization. It is an extension to an old hospital building.
Visiting a senior center Myllymatka for older adults run by Helsinki City. It provides day program activities, housing for seniors and residential 24 hours care for people with memory decline. It is a renovation project completed in 2021. 
Tour leader: Dr. Ira Verma, tour capacity: 16 people

Post-conference tour: White Nights June 19-21 (STILL AVAILABLE!!)


UPDATE May 3, 2024: The White Nights tour – a few spots  are reopened due to cancellations. Please inquire asap with Archtours.

Post-conference tour: White Night Experience June 19-21: Trip to Jyväskylä (Alvar Aalto, NOVA Hospital) and rural Finland. This tour is arranged by an external provider – kindly contact

White Nights Experience 2024 – Archtours